Health Declaration
I confirm I will not attend if I or any member of my household has experienced any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours
Further information can be found via the NHS website:
I confirm I will not attend if I have been contacted in line with the NHS Test and Trace or any other relevant body and are required to self-isolate.
Agreement of Behaviours
I will:
I acknowledge and agree to the above requirements and have given careful consideration of the associated risks and my own vulnerability status in my decision to attend in line with government guidance, please see here:
Clinically vulnerable –
Clinically extremely vulnerable –
I confirm that I understand I will not be permitted access to the stadium if I do not carry all required items requested by the Club to access the Stadium such as face coverings/sanitiser/additional hygiene protocols. Should I not agree with any aspect of this code I will not attend the venue.
Where purchasing on behalf of others I will make those individuals aware of their responsibility and required agreement to observe this code.